Online Disinformation: An Analysis of the Propensity to Verify Fake News Across Different Generations. Desinformación en línea: análisis de la propensión a verificar noticias falsas entre diferentes generaciones.

Contenido principal del artículo

Tércio Pereira
Cynthia Morgana Boos de Quadros
Fabricia Durieux Zucco
Hans Peder Behling
Fabricio Gustavo Gesser Cardoso


El estudio examina la difusión y verificación de noticias falsas en diferentes generaciones. Para ello, empleamos una metodología cuantitativa, recolectando datos a través de cuestionarios, alcanzando 800 respuestas válidas. La investigación adoptó un método cuantitativo, enviando cuestionarios a la población de Blumenau – Brasil. Para el análisis de los datos, utilizamos una regresión logística ordinal para examinar la razón de probabilidades de que los grupos verifiquen la autenticidad de la información antes de compartirla en las redes sociales. El análisis mostró que la edad y el nivel educativo son factores determinantes en la verificación de la información, mientras que el género no influye significativamente en este comportamiento. Los resultados indican una mayor probabilidad de no verificar la información entre los usuarios de mayor edad y menor nivel educativo.


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Cómo citar
Pereira, T., Quadros, C. M. B. de, Zucco, F. D., Behling, H. P., & Cardoso, F. G. G. (2024). Online Disinformation: An Analysis of the Propensity to Verify Fake News Across Different Generations.: Desinformación en línea: análisis de la propensión a verificar noticias falsas entre diferentes generaciones. Razón Y Palabra, 28(121).
Biografía del autor/a

Cynthia Morgana Boos de Quadros, Postgraduate Program in Administration - Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Postgraduate Program in Administration - Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau

PhD in Regional Development (FURB)

Fabricia Durieux Zucco, Regional University of Blumenau and Vale do Itajaí University

PhD in Business Administration from Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE). Master’s in administration; Specialist in Marketing and Bachelor in Advertising from the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB). Professor at the Graduate Program in Tourism and Hospitality at the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI) and professor at the undergraduate level at the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB). Member of the HGTUR/UNIVALI research group: Hospitality, Gastronomy and Legal Services. Her research interests are tourism management, festivals, digital communication.

Hans Peder Behling, University of Vale do Itajaí

Ph.D. in Language Sciences (UNISUL)

Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Administration - Management, Internationalization and Logistics (UNIVALI)

University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI - Balneário Camboriú - SC - Brazil

Fabricio Gustavo Gesser Cardoso, Regional University of Blumenau

Graduated in Psychology (FURB), specialist in project management (USP), specialist in cultural production and film production (EBAC). Extension experience as an advisor to the Technological Incubator of Popular Cooperatives ITCP/FURB. Academic activities: Public Servant in the Extension Support Division of FURB since 2014 and head of the Division since 2022. President of the FURB Extension Project Evaluation Committee, external ad hoc evaluator UERGS. Project Manager of the Free University Program. Coordinator of the extension projects: Conexão Vital, Continuing Education Program for the Elderly - PROEP. Extension agent of the PROEXT PG project; Schools as a Center for Transformation. Has experience in managing work groups, managing project portfolios, advising on project development and fundraising.


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