Artificial Intelligence and Communication Models

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Migdalia Pineda-de-Alcázar


This article refers to the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) relationship with human communication. It aims to analyze how the interactions machines intelligent /man could affect the nature of human communication and indirect modes of communication through the mass media and information and communication technologies. The work is part of a more extensive research, theoretical in nature, which has developed over several years on the communication models and their methodological paradigms. Here raises important questions about how they would modify communicative man mediation processes to interact with robots or intelligent computers seeking to simulate the thinking and acting human. As well as also on the convergence of new hybrid modes of communication and its social and cultural impact. Similarly, reaffirms the premise that IA research may not move forward without the help of the social sciences such as ethics, semiotics, ecology and human behavior sciences.


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How to Cite
Pineda-de-Alcázar, M. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and Communication Models. Razón Y Palabra, 22(1_100), 391–405. Retrieved from


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