The paradoxes of protection and surveillance monitoring of the movement of people

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Mágda Cunha


The health crisis, experienced in the Covid-19 pandemic, brought to light some paradoxes evidenced by the possibilities, offered by technology companies, of tracking the movement of individuals through cities. To anonymously warn about contact with infected people, two companies in the information technology industry, Google and Apple, now hold 100% of the smartphone operating system market. With measures in common, both reached the totality of active devices in the world. Such evidence brings challenges and tensions analyzed in this article, which recovers classic concepts on the subject and relates them to discussions that involve the availability of information by users, the transformation of subjects into items in databases, the social dimension of algorithms and inclusion-exclusion, gratification-sanction binomials, in processes in which individuals experience deterritorialization in Latin American cities.


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How to Cite
Cunha, M. (2022). The paradoxes of protection and surveillance monitoring of the movement of people. Razón Y Palabra, 26(114).


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